Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale


These conditions are agreed between:

SAS SAPINET – 65 rue de la Croix, 92000 Nanterre, France
SIREN: 899 483 457
NAF: 6311Z
VAT: FR11899483457

Hereinafter referred to as “Sapinet”


Any natural or legal person, individual or professional, private or public, wishing to engage in one or more of the services provided by Sapinet, hereinafter referred to as “Client”. These conditions take effect from December 8, 2019.

Hereinafter referred to as “Client”

Article 1: Purpose

Sapinet directly provides the hosting of services but is not responsible for their content or their use by internet users.

Please note that the terms and conditions of use and sale may be modified at any time. It is therefore advisable to review them regularly.

Article 2: Service Interruption

Sapinet reserves the right to suspend its operation for maintenance or other reasons. Sapinet will inform its Clients on its dedicated incident website as much as possible, without being held to any guarantee or compensation, regardless of the nature of the damages suffered by the Clients.

Sapinet reserves the right to suspend a Client’s service with 30 days’ notice when it is a special offer.

Article 3: Data Protection

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the rights to query, access, modify, oppose, and rectify personal data concerning you.

Any deletion of your data can be carried out without any justification in accordance with the GDPR.

Article 4: Service Delivery

Services are delivered to the account on which the Client placed the order.

The Client must check the status upon delivery of the service or goods and report any damage or inconsistency with the order within 24 hours.

Moreover, once the service is used, no refund can be claimed.

Article 5: Abuse

If we detect unjustified resource abuse by the Client on the service we provide, we reserve the right to suspend the service and charge the Client for the abuse.

All abuse and overuse penalties will be charged to the Client.

The types of abuse that may be charged by Sapinet include sending unnecessary support tickets, bandwidth overuse, and overuse of resources provided by Sapinet (CPU, RAM, etc.).

Sapinet reserves the right to charge multiple times for repeated abuse of our services.

Sapinet reserves the right to immediately suspend services when purchasing multiple special offers and with 7 days’ notice for non-use of the service.

Article 6: Client Obligations

The Client declares to fully accept all legal obligations arising from the ownership of their services, with Sapinet not being sought or troubled in this regard for any reason, especially in the event of violations of laws or regulations applicable to the Client’s services.

Sapinet reserves the right to verify identities at any time by requesting administrative documents (proof of residence, identity card, etc.). If the Client intentionally provides false, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete identification information, Sapinet may result in the immediate suspension of the Client’s services without notice if the Client does not respond within 72 hours.

Article 7: Sapinet Obligations

The order will be executed no later than 48 hours from the day following receipt of payment.

These times may vary depending on the number of internal orders to process and the volume of available servers.

In case of unavailability of the ordered product, the Client may request a refund only if the service is not delivered within the 48-hour period.

Article 8: Responsibility for Content Broadcast by Clients

Sapinet is not responsible for the content broadcast by its Clients, and the Client guarantees to have the rights to broadcast the content.

Article 9: Content

Sapinet cannot accept the storage of data that is child-pornographic, defamatory, or contains illegal data, or content with video files or any other document that constitutes threats or disrupts the proper functioning of the servers.

Article 10: Registration

Membership in Sapinet is reserved for persons over the age of 16 at the time of registration on the Sapinet site.

However, minors under the age of 16 are allowed to register and use the services offered by Sapinet provided they have obtained prior authorization from their legal guardian.

Sapinet reserves the right to request written and signed proof at any time.

The deletion of the account whose owner is a minor will be done if they do not submit the required documents.

In this case, Sapinet will inform the Client by email 24 hours before the account deletion.

Article 11: Payment Methods

Sapinet offers various payment methods for the Client:

Credit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express…)

PayPal (Manual or automatic payment)

In the case of a credit card payment, the invoice amount will be automatically deducted from the card registered by the Client.

The Client can request the removal of their credit card from the client area upon simple request via a support ticket.

In the case of an automatic PayPal payment subscription by the Client, it is their responsibility to cancel it in case of service cancellation.

Any credit balance added to the client account cannot be refunded.

Article 12: Withdrawal

In accordance with Articles L221-18 and following of the Consumer Code, particularly Articles L221-28 1° and L221-28 3:

The Client has a right of withdrawal. They can exercise this right, without having to justify reasons or pay penalties, within fourteen (14) days from the day following their order.

The Client must exercise their right of withdrawal before the expiration of the aforementioned period by sending a support ticket in the client area or by registered mail to SAPINET SAS – 65 rue de la Croix, 92000 Nanterre, France.

The Client will then receive a prorated refund of the remaining days on the service affected by the withdrawal.