Specific Conditions for Dedicated Server

Article 1: Purpose

These conditions are combined with the various conditions present on the Sapinet website.

Sapinet undertakes to maintain the technical and financial conditions of its dedicated server platforms.

Article 2: Provision

As part of the dedicated server services, Sapinet provides the Client with a service hosted on physical servers maintained by the Client.

The Client’s server is accessible to the client and users via the Internet.

Article 3: About the Dedicated Server

When the client orders their dedicated server, they confirm that they have the necessary knowledge to manage it.

Following the online order and payment validation, the client receives a username and password at the email address provided in their order form.

This username allows for the management of the dedicated server from a complete management interface.

The client assumes full responsibility for their server (installation and use).

The bandwidth and traffic of the services are not limited; however, limits may be implemented.

Article 4: Host Obligations

Through these conditions, Sapinet undertakes to maintain the physical servers in good working order.

To maintain a reliable and efficient infrastructure, Sapinet reserves the right to interrupt services to perform maintenance, notifying the client by email.

Article 5: Client Obligations

The Client agrees to provide valid information, and Sapinet has the right to verify this information.

If the client uses third-party software while using the service, they agree to acquire all necessary licenses for their use.

Sapinet reserves the right to immediately suspend/terminate the client’s services temporarily or permanently when:

  • The client uses spamming techniques on internet networks
  • The client engages in intrusion or attempted intrusion activities
  • Content associated with pedophilia
  • Content associated with xenophobia
  • Content associated with pirated programs
  • Content associated with racist or offensive behavior
  • The dedicated server must not host peer-to-peer servers (emule, edonkey, uTorrent, Bittorrent, etc.) or spam servers (mass email sending)

In the above cases, reactivation fees may apply.

Article 6: Sapinet Responsibilities

Sapinet’s responsibility cannot be called into question in case of the client’s fault, negligence, or failure, in the event of an incident beyond Sapinet’s control, in case of illicit password disclosure or use, or misuse of the terminal by the client.

Sapinet’s responsibility cannot be called into question in case of partial or total destruction of transmitted or stored information.

Sapinet cannot be held responsible for data hosted on the client’s dedicated server.

Sapinet does not perform any backups of data stored on dedicated servers.

Sapinet reserves the right to suspend the client’s service if it poses a danger to the proper functioning of the infrastructure.

Article 7: Confidentiality

Data stored on dedicated servers remains confidential, and Sapinet commits to keeping it confidential.

However, under judicial requisition, Sapinet will be required to provide the requested information.

Article 8: Anti-DDoS Protection Conditions

Sapinet implements protection to safeguard its operational network during an attack.

As part of this protection, Sapinet reserves the right to temporarily interrupt the client’s service if it is attacked.

In both cases, Sapinet cannot be held responsible if an attack is not detected.

By ordering a dedicated server on the Sapinet website, the client accepts these conditions.